University welcomes new employees
UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the Oct. 17-18 New Employee Orientation session:
Raymond Bolger, support services associate
Belk College of Business
Solange Tricanowicz, assistant director for employer relations and career and professional development
Building Environmental Services
Crystal Beam, building environmental technician
Saida Pyles, building environmental technician
Robert Smith, building environmental technician
Enrollment Management
Melodie Basey, executive assistant
Environmental Health and Safety
Timothy Johnson III, environmental health and safety professional
Facilities Management
Matthew Kimball, facilities management technician for mechanical trades
Evamarie Spataro, engineer
Lee College of Engineering
Kara Smith, academic advisor
Parking and Transportation Services
Damion Nicholson, vehicle equipment operator
Kevin Talley, vehicle equipment operator
Police and Public Safety
Jorge Gallo, police officer
Recreational Services
Kimberly Black, building environmental technician
Rashaun Durden, administrative support specialist
Residency Determination Office
Brittany Kyle Johnson, university program associate
Student Activity Center and Venue Management
Brenda Bowe, building environmental technician
Rebecca Flovin, administrative support associate
Undergraduate Admissions
Ayana Mills, administrative support associate
University Advancement
Alyssa Treager, administrative support specialist
University Center for Academic Excellence
Angelica Brown, administrative support specialist
New Employee Orientation, coordinated by the Human Resources Department, is a two-day program offered twice each month for new, permanent SHRA and EHRA employees. For more information, visit the learning and organizational development website.
Photo (front row, l to r): Matthew Kimball, Ayana Mills, Damion Nicholson, Saida Pyles, Kara Smith, Robert Smith, Evamarie Spataro, Kevin Talley, Alyssa Treager and Solange Tricanowicz; (back row, l to r) Melodie Basey, Crystal Beam, Kimberly Black, Raymond Bolger, Brenda Bowe, Angelica Brown, Rashaun Durden, Rebecca Flovin, Jorge Gallo, Brittany Kyle Johnson and Timothy Johnson III.