Urban Education Collaborative tours U.S. Department of Education

The UNC Charlotte Urban Education Collaborative traveled to Washington, D.C., recently, where participants received an exclusive tour of the U.S. Department of Education.

Urban Education Collaborative Director Chance Lewis organized the tour as part of the group’s participation in the American Education Research Association conference.

“This visit was monumental as these emerging leaders in research frame their work to impact policy and practice in urban education. The visit, and the personal connections fostered therein, deepens the relationship of the Urban Education Collaborative and UNC Charlotte with policymakers to position urban education as an item on the national agenda,” said Derrick Robinson, research intern at the Urban Education Collaborative.

“The efforts that the U.S Department of Education is making in producing data and funding on critical issues in urban education speaks to the importance of educational leaders and researchers to join and lead the national conversation,” he added.

Ivory Toldson, director of the White House Initiative on historically black colleges and universities, served as official host on the visit. He and other officials led a discussion session on major grant funding aspects of the Department of Education.

For more information on the Urban Education Collaborative, click here.