Governor signs bill for proposed bonds, $90 million for new science facility included

Chancellor Philip L. Dubois welcomed Gov. Pat McCrory and other dignitaries to campus Oct. 22 for a ceremonial signing of a bill that authorizes the state to vote on the Connect N.C. bond package. The $2 billion in bonds for economic development and infrastructure would include funding for the growth of science education at UNC Charlotte, specifically $90 million for a critically needed new science building.

The bond issue will be included on the state’s primary election ballot on March 15, 2016.

McCrory said, “I’m convinced that those who prepare, win the competition for quality of life and economic development in the future. Those who stagnate and don’t continue to invest and prepare for that growth will suffer in quality of life and economic development and jobs. This is not a state that stagnates.”

Calling McCrory a “longtime friend of UNC Charlotte,” Dubois said, “The proposed bond package is critical to UNC Charlotte’s growth. Demand for science instruction is directly related to enrollment growth. Since our current science building – the Burson Building – was built, our enrollment has increased 142 percent. Most importantly, more than half of our students with a declared major are in the science, math and engineering fields.”

Along with Dubois, students, faculty and other University officials, the governor was be greeted by state Rep. Dean Arp, who earned a master’s degree in civil engineering from UNC Charlotte in 1999. Arp was a key architect and sponsor of the bond proposal.

“We can invest $2 billion now in infrastructure, parks and quality of life issues, and at the end of the six-year capital plan, we’ll be $1.6 billion less in debt than we are today,” Arp said. “There’d be no tax increase, and yet we’d still move the State of North Carolina forward.”

Dubois applauded several other members of the N.C. General Assembly who attended the event. “In a bipartisan effort, Republicans and Democrats, House and Senate members came together to craft a package that addresses needs across the UNC system, community colleges, parks and water and sewer infrastructure. So to all of you, thank you for this tremendous example of visionary leadership.”