Incoming students encouraged to ‘Think About It’

Categories: General News Tags: Student Affairs

While the start of the fall semester is weeks away, 4,000-plus incoming students have received an early assignment – to complete an online module geared toward promoting a healthier, safer campus environment.

“Think About It,” an educational resource from Campus Clarity, is designed to examine the interconnected issues of “hooking up, substance abuse, sexual violence and healthy relationships.” The University’s Title IX Office selected the Web-based training course, and incoming freshmen and transfer students recently received an email with a link inviting them to explore the training before arriving on campus.

Federal regulations require public colleges and universities to develop educational campaigns to raise awareness of and to prevent sexual assault, dating and domestic violence and stalking on their campuses, explained Dawn Floyd, the University’s Title IX coordinator. The University formally established a Title IX Office in fall 2014.

“Not only do we have to have primary prevention and awareness programs around these issues, but we must continue to educate students through ongoing campaigns,” said Floyd. “With regard to incoming staff members, Sarah Edwards and I conduct training at New Employee Orientation offered through the Human Resources Department.”

Campus Clarity’s “Think About It” is just one part of a larger effort to educate UNC Charlotte students, explained Floyd. “We also hope to introduce the topics through freshman seminars and learning communities. The office also uses Twitter to post daily resources and information related to sexual assault, dating and domestic violence and consent and healthy relationships,” added Floyd.

“Our goal is to make UNC Charlotte a safer place, as one component of the training is bystander intervention,” Floyd stated. “We teach students to effectively intervene to help prevent an incident that may be about to happen and keep a friend safe.”

In just the first two days since the email went to incoming freshmen and transfer students, nearly 150 individuals have completed the one-hour module. The training is designed for students to complete at their own pace.

Prior to the start of the semester, students who haven’t finished “Think About It” will receive reminder emails to undertake the training. Links to refresher courses will be emailed after three months and six months.

New graduate students also will receive an email to complete the module once classes begin in August.

Floyd and administrative assistant Adrianna Bradt worked with Campus Clarity to customize “Think About It” to include information about UNC Charlotte’s policies related to sexual assault, dating and domestic violence and stalking, as well as the University’s Code of Student Responsibility and applicable North Carolina laws.