UNC Board of Governors to meet at UNC Charlotte

UNC Charlotte will host the UNC Board of Governors Thursday and Friday, Feb. 26-27.
It is considered a great honor for a constituent institution to have the governing board of the UNC system on its campus. An openness to innovation and ideas has spurred the University’s incredible growth in a relatively short time – just 50 years as a UNC campus, and UNC Charlotte is uniquely positioned to serve a critical population in the state, helping secure a big future for public higher education in North Carolina.
“As part of the Board of Governors visit, we have organized an all-too-brief campus tour that will allow the Governors to see some of the terrific things happening on this campus and to interact with a number of students and faculty members,” said Chancellor Philip L. Dubois. “One of the goals of the tour is to show the Board of Governors something we all know: that UNC Charlotte is second to none in our service to our students and our regional community.”
Typically, the Board of Governors holds its meetings in Chapel Hill. The board is a policy-making body charged with “the general determination, control, supervision, management, and governance” of the University of North Carolina. Its 32 voting members are elected by the N.C. General Assembly for four-year terms.
During its Thursday visit to campus, the Board of Governors will tour the PORTAL Building, the Motorsports Lab and EPIC, and they will learn about various initiatives taking place on campus.
Bob Wilhelm, vice chancellor for economic research and development and Paul Wetenhall, president of Ventureprise, will provide an overview of PORTAL. At the Motorsports Lab, Mesbah Uddin, director of the motorsports engineering program, will talk about research taking place in the facility. Johan Enslin, EPIC director, and Mark Pringle, vice president of Siemens Charlotte energy hub, will discuss the public-private partnerships occurring around energy. Also, Charlotte 49ers coaches Ryan Cabbage (golf), John Cullen (women’s soccer), Brad Lambert (football) and Kevin Langan (men’s soccer), along with selected student-athletes, will meet informally with BOG members.
The Board of Governors will hold various committee meetings on Feb. 26; a meeting of the full board is set for Feb. 27 in the Student Union.