Faces – Marjorie Bray

Marjorie Bray assists individuals and corporations to channel their philanthropic visions into reality as director of development for the College of Computing and Informatics (CCI).

“I really love my job, and I can’t imagine doing anything other than fundraising,” said Bray. “To me, philanthropy can be magical. It is feeling so passionate about a cause that you want to invest in it to make it a reality. Your belief is so strong, you want to create it with your time, talents and treasure. Donors with whom I’ve worked who have given their first major gift, they feel an immense pride and ownership in the gift, and they do so with gratitude. They want to give back in a very personal and meaningful way.”

In her role, Bray concentrates on major gifts to the college, such as scholarships, endowed professorships, sponsorships or other funding in support of CCI initiatives. In addition, she manages the Dean’s Advisory Board, comprised of key business leaders from various industries. Board members advise the dean on strategic planning for the college’s future and provide contacts/networking opportunities in the greater community. They also help promote the college and University.

A native of Charlotte, Bray graduated from Charlotte Country Day and earned a bachelor’s degree in communication studies from UNC Chapel Hill. She’s been with the University for about five years after a three-year stint at the Arts & Science Council, where she worked on the annual fund drive. Before that Bray worked in development with MedAssist, a United Way organization that provides free prescription medication to North Carolina residents who are low income, uninsured and fall at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level.

Bray’s passion for fundraising extends beyond the University. She was president of Actor’s Theatre and through her leadership developed a fundraising plan and giving society to increase the organization’s sustainability. In addition, she served as president for the Mint Museum Young Affiliates and implemented the memberships’ inaugural end-of-the-year giving campaign. For the past four years, Bray has led the University’s Charlotte Chamber team that generates revenue for the chamber.

“Last year, we raised more than $107,000 from the University and outside sources, but more importantly, we’ve increased awareness of the Charlotte Chamber on campus, and we’ve increased UNC Charlotte’s awareness among chamber members and the community, too,” said Bray, who has received “Top Producer Awards” each year. She’s been named AFP’s Emerging Philanthropist and included among the 15 Most Influential Women in Charlotte by the Mecklenburg Times, too.

Besides volunteering with Actor’s Theatre and the Mint Museum, Bray has assisted at the Second Harvest Food Bank and Classroom Central.

“It’s important for me to be out in the community. Not only do I give financially, but I match it with my time. To be a philanthropist, it takes time, talent and treasure,” Bray explained.

When she’s not fundraising or volunteering, Bray is an avid reader, exploring leadership and philanthropy, as well as general fiction. She also enjoys exercising and spending time with her Pomeranian Sammy.