
Virtual On-Campus Job Fair registration is Live

UNC Charlotte’s Virtual On-Campus Job Fair will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 3, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The provides departments with an excellent opportunity to recruit students for on-campus positions, and partake in a virtual fair to interview interested candidates before they return to campus. Departments can recruit for FWS, STW, UPIP and Graduate Assistant positions.

New Niner Research IRB module to launch

Research and Economic Development will launch the IRB Human Subjects Niner Research module on July 1. This module will replace the current IRB protocol submission and management system, IRBIS.  Additional information about the IRB module and retirement of the current system, IRBIS, is on the Research and Economic Development website. 

FM’s Jeffrey Michel has died

Jeffrey Michel, an electronics specialist with Facilities Management, died May 28.A Michigan native, Michel grew up in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where he graduated high school and college. He joined the University in 2009.

Budhrani needs shared leave

Kiran Budhrani, from Center for Teaching and Learning, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through May 28.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.

FM staff member Tony Menton has died

Tony Menton, a supervisor with Building Environmental Services and Recycling (BES&R), died May 9.Menton, 56, joined the University in October 2009 as a floor care technician on the main campus before transferring to The Dubois Center at Center City to lead floor care efforts and take on supervisory responsibilities.

Fiscal Year 2022 Internal Audit Plan released

The UNC Charlotte Internal Audit Department performs operational, compliance, financial and IT audits according to the annual Internal Audit Plan. Audit engagements are conducted in conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.  The plan evaluates risk exposures related to governance, operations and information systems regarding the:

Faculty and staff Commencement volunteers needed

Faculty and staff volunteers are needed at the upcoming May Commencement ceremonies to assist at the information table and ticket office and to welcome guests.

Human Resources announces nominees for the Student Employee of the Year Award

Eleven outstanding student employees were nominated for the 2021 Student Employee of the Year Award. Each office or department nominates one deserving student employee each year. The nominees are:

How one team led one of campus’ largest initiatives through innovation

What defines innovation? Often, it means coming up with solutions to maneuver tight corners, navigate tough situations and overcome boundaries. Each year, UNC Charlotte recognizes an employee who has done just that: initiated research or successfully established new and outstanding methods, practices, plans or designs benefiting the University and the community. For this year, it was the efforts of not one individual but a cross-functional team recognized as recipients of the 2021 Employee of the Year Award for innovation.

Angie Williams and her commitment to literacy in the Charlotte community

Every year, UNC Charlotte recognizes an employee who has made outstanding contributions by participating in or implementing community and public service projects, such as volunteering with various nonprofit organizations. In a year of many challenges and difficulties, numerous employees have dedicated their time and specialized skills to make communities in and around the Charlotte area a better place.