General News

New fellowship program to better prepare Ph.D. students to teach
Applications for the Provost Doctoral Teaching Fellowship for the 2016-17 academic year are being accepted. This opportunity will introduce doctoral students to teaching practices used in higher education and better prepare them for careers in college-level teaching.
The Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Teaching and Learning, in collaboration with the University’s doctoral programs and the Graduate School, are offering this fellowship. The deadline for Ph.D. students to apply is Monday, Feb. 15.

Army ROTC to host EOD presentation
The University’s Army ROTC program will host a presentation on explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) from 1:30 to 4 p.m., Monday, Jan. 25, at Memorial Hall.
During this event, EOD specialists will demonstrate different scenarios using bomb disposal robots. No actual explosives will be used. Also, participants will be able to try on bomb suits, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions of the EOD specialists and Army ROTC recruiters.

University celebrates legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Emmy Award-winning broadcaster Ed Gordon was the keynote speaker for the University’s Martin Luther King Jr. celebration held Jan. 19 in the Cone University Center, McKnight Hall. Click here to see more images from the event.

Extended academic programs offerings for February
The Office of Extended Academic Programs offers numerous training opportunities. Discounts of approximately 50 percent are available for UNC Charlotte faculty and staff. For more information, call 704-687-8900 or email

Panel discussion to explore ‘Latinos and Education’
An upcoming free event will examine the story of Latino education in the Carolinas during the last two decades. “Latinos and Education: Success and Challenges,” scheduled for 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 1, at the Levine Museum of the New South, is presented by the UNC Charlotte College of Education in conjunction with the museum’s exhibit “¡NUEVOlution! Latinos and the New South.”

PPS, Staff Council to raise awareness of stalking
January is National Stalking Awareness Month, and representatives from the Police and Public Safety Department and the Staff Council will be in the Cone University Center and the Student Union from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 21, to help educate members of the campus community about stalking.

Town-hall meeting on diversity and inclusion scheduled
UNC Charlotte officials will participate in a town-hall style discussion about diversity and inclusion on campus at 7 p.m., Monday, Jan. 25, in the Cone University Center, McKnight Hall.
Student Body President Mitch Daratony will moderate this meeting that will include Chancellor Philip L. Dubois, Provost Joan Lorden, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Beth Hardin and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Art Jackson.

Public Health program reaccredited
The UNC Charlotte Public Health program has received full seven-year reaccreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), a national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
The program consists of the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree options in the Department of Public Health Sciences.

Belk Plaza design forums scheduled
Public forums to solicit input about the design of the Belk Plaza will be held from 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 8 and 22, in the Cone University Center Lucas Room. (Note a change in the first forum from previous reports.)

COACHE survey results available
Every two years, UNC Charlotte conducts an external survey to assess faculty climate at the institution. The Collaboration on Academic Career in Higher Education at the Harvard School of Education Climate Survey (COACHE) is employed by the University to conduct the survey.
In addition to evaluating faculty members’ perceptions of climate at UNC Charlotte, COACHE data also allow faculty to compare measures of faculty climate satisfaction at their institution with a number of peer institutions.