General News

University named Green Fleet Award winner
UNC Charlotte is ranked 24th among the best government green motor fleets in the United States, according to the website 100 Best Fleets, which recognizes peak-performing fleet operations in North America.
Chris Facente, automotive supervisor in the Facilities Management Department, said creating a sustainable motor fleet supports the University’s commitment to be an excellent steward of the environment and saves money on fuel costs.

Conversation to explore ‘Two Communities at a Crossroads’
How do Latinos and African Americans in Charlotte get along? They often live near each other and deal with similar issues, do they discuss them, or do the respective communities remain primarily to themselves?

University personnel appointed to UNC Campus Security Committee
Jeff Baker, Dawn Floyd and David Spano have been appointed to the recently established UNC Campus Security Committee.
Comprised of individuals from the University system’s 17 constituent institutions, the UNC Campus Security Committee will advise the president and other members of the UNC system leadership on best policy practices and ways to improve campus safety, in addition to implementing recommendations from campus security initiatives. Committee members include campus safety professionals, students and faculty representatives.
UNC Charlotte and the SECC – action heroes in the community
The nearly 1,000 charities affiliated with the State Employees Combined Campaign are in the Giving Green Campaign spotlight this week. This short film features UNC Charlotte employees sharing how they are staking their claim with an SECC nonprofit.
CLAS holding holiday card competition
Students enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences have the chance to see their artwork featured on the college’s holiday card this year. CLAS seeks original photographs, paintings, drawings or other visual artwork that reflects concepts or scenes relevant to the college.

Charlotte Teachers Institute’s ‘Exploding Canons’ series to explore Latinos in the New South
The Southeastern United States is now the nation’s fastest-growing Latino region, with many historians calling this cultural shift the South’s biggest post-Civil Rights story. To better understand this powerful transformation, Charlotte Teachers Institute (CTI), in conjunction with the Levine Museum of the New South, will explore the impacts of Latinos on the New South through its Exploding Canons interdisciplinary speakers program. This event is scheduled for 5:15 to 9 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 27, at the Levine Museum.

UNC Charlotte to host acclaimed international water research competition
UNC Charlotte has been selected to host the United States leg of a competition for one of the world’s most prestigious awards in water-related research. The Stockholm Junior Water Prize is presented to one high school student annually for research in water and sustainability issues. In an effort led by the Center for STEM Education, UNC Charlotte bested proposals from universities across the country to host the competition through 2018.

ACCEHW sponsoring webinar on resiliency
The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness is sponsoring the webinar “Resiliency: Bouncing Back after a Setback” at noon, Thursday, Oct. 15. Employees interested in viewing this offering should register online.

The added value of internal audit
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) defines internal auditing as “an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.”

Oct. 8 ‘Live Wire’ devoted to Fall 2015 Legal Symposium
Catherine Mitchell, higher education legal fellow in the Office of Legal Affairs, will be the guest on the Oct. 8 edition of “The Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast. Starting at 2 p.m., she will discuss the Fall 2015 Legal Symposium, scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 15, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center Salons.