Faculty and Staff News

Staff CounCil

The UNC Charlotte Staff Council was established to create and provide a more harmonious working environment for the staff of the University. Learn more about Staff Council executive committee members and representatives.


The Faculty Council is a policy making and consultative body, responsible for the quality of instruction and scholarship at the University.

Learn more about faculty council members, view a meeting schedule, read agendas and minutes and the guidelines for submitting agenda items.

The Human Resources Department received 40 nominations for the 2022 UNC Charlotte Staff Employee of the Year Award, a record…

Last fall, UNC Charlotte made several changes to the return of Facilities and Administrative (F&A) funds to investigators, departments and…

On March 15,  University Policy 101.23, Employment-Related Background Checks and Criminal Activity, was revised to comply with UNC Policy Manual 300.8.7[R], which…

On March 15, University Policy 716, Minors on Campus, was revised to create a new defined term (minors), revise the reporting…

On March 15, University Policy 601.11, Purchasing Policy, was revised to reflect modifications to the Administrative Code for purchasing that changed…

The deadline for nominations for the annual Staff Employee of the Year awards has been extended to 5 p.m., Wednesday,…

OneIT will upgrade networking software from 7 p.m., Friday, March 11, through approximately 7 a.m., Saturday, March 12. 

Effective March 1, the North Carolina Administrative Code for procurement increased the small-dollar purchase threshold to $25,000. This means that purchases of goods…

The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness (ACCEHW) was created in 2009 to promote campus and…

To help support employees this semester, the Human Resources Office (HR) is sponsoring a variety of events in partnership with…

Every year, UNC Charlotte awards and recognizes exemplary employees for their hard work and dedication to the campus community and…

Paul Richard “Dick” Wolfe, a member of the Housing and Residence Life Office, died Tuesday, Feb. 8. Wolfe, 81, was…