Faculty and Staff News

Staff CounCil

The UNC Charlotte Staff Council was established to create and provide a more harmonious working environment for the staff of the University. Learn more about Staff Council executive committee members and representatives.


The Faculty Council is a policy making and consultative body, responsible for the quality of instruction and scholarship at the University.

Learn more about faculty council members, view a meeting schedule, read agendas and minutes and the guidelines for submitting agenda items.

On April 23, Andrew Hartley, the Robinson Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Studies in the Department of Theatre, will have his…

Tina McEntire ’91, ’95 MPA, associate provost for Enrollment Management, has accepted the position of vice chancellor for Enrollment Management…

Lee Gray, architectural historian and senior associate dean for academic advising in the College of Arts + Architecture, has published…

Linda Roberts, Recycling, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through April 15.To contribute leave, faculty and…

In light of changes that have occurred in the past few weeks, Human Resources has extended the deadline for SHRA…

Seven faculty members in the College of Arts + Architecture have received 2020 Regional Artist Project Grants from the Arts…

UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the March 10 New Employee Orientation session:AthleticsLuke Sheekey, assistant…

Joseph Skillen will become the next chair of the Department of Music, effective July 1. He comes to UNC Charlotte…

Effective July 1, Blaine Brownell will become the new director of the School of Architecture (SoA) in UNC Charlotte’s College…

UNC Charlotte made a big change in when certain employees get paid. As a complement to work by the Student…

UNC Charlotte’s top priority is the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff.

Members of the campus community can participate in two scheduled tree plantings Thursday, March 19, as part of the University’s…