Faculty and Staff News

Staff CounCil

The UNC Charlotte Staff Council was established to create and provide a more harmonious working environment for the staff of the University. Learn more about Staff Council executive committee members and representatives.


The Faculty Council is a policy making and consultative body, responsible for the quality of instruction and scholarship at the University.

Learn more about faculty council members, view a meeting schedule, read agendas and minutes and the guidelines for submitting agenda items.

During winter break, the flooring of campus parking decks will be replaced, which may cause minor disruptions, such as limited…

The following projects are scheduled and may cause disruptions Monday, Dec. 16, through Tuesday, Dec. 31.

Faculty and staff are invited to a Bahamas Bowl Watch Party on Friday, Dec. 20, on the first floor of the Popp Martin…

The annual test of the campus lockdown system will occur at approximately 10 a.m., Monday, Dec. 16, and will last…

Under Executive Order 95, Providing Paid Parental Leave to Eligible State Employees, the Office of State Human Resources has established…

Due to federal tax law changes that occurred in 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is releasing a new Form…

The southbound lane of Robert D. Snyder Road will be closed between the PORTAL loading dock and CRI Deck entrance…

UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the Nov. 26 New Employee Orientation session:University Center for…

Portia Brown, University Advancement, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Dec. 9.To contribute leave, faculty…

Helena Mathis, Building Environmental Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Dec. 9.To contribute leave,…

Shannon Rhyne, Environmental Health and Safety, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Dec. 9.To contribute…

Melissa Roy from the College of Health and Human Services needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations…