Diversity trainer Lee Mun Wah continues ‘Unfinished Conversation’

Diversity trainer Lee Mun Wah will present “Changing Our Heads, Hearts and Hands – From the Inside Out,” an interactive multicultural learning program designed for faculty, staff and the community from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday, March 20, in the Student Union. Registration is required.

This half-day training is free for faculty and staff and $30 for public/community members. A continental breakfast during check-in is included.

Lee Mun Wah is an internationally renowned Chinese American documentary filmmaker, author, poet, Asian folk teller, educator, community therapist and master diversity trainer. “From the Inside Out” is part of “An Unfinished Conversation,” two days of trainings and events jointly facilitated by Lee Mun Wah and UNC Charlotte’s Distinguished Speakers Forum, the Center for Leadership Development’s Emerging Leaders, the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Human Resources Department.

After completing a master’s in education and master’s in counseling, as well as a bachelor’s in child psychology, history and political science, from San Francisco State University, Lee Mun Wah taught for 25 years as a special education resource specialist in the San Francisco Unified School District before becoming a curriculum specialist and consultant for private schools.

In 1986, Lee Mun Wah founded “Stirfy Seminars and Consulting” after realizing that many diversity companies did not address the issues of conflict, anger and hurt. He wanted to teach communication skills and awareness from a more eastern and Buddhist approach to promote the need for compassion and understanding when dealing with issues such as race, gender, sexual preferences and heterosexism.

Lee Mun Wah has facilitated diversity workshops and trainings for thousands of participants from all over the United States in the corporate, governmental and educational sectors, helping groups engage in healthy and authentic multicultural dialogue. He is the director and producer of seven nationally and internationally acclaimed films on a variety of diversity issues. Oprah Winfrey honored his life and his film, The Color of Fear, in 1995, which was seen by over 30 million viewers from around the world.

The full two-day schedule of UNC Charlotte events with Lee Mun Wah includes:

7 p.m., Tuesday, March 19

If These Halls Could Talk

Film screening and diversity dialogue with Lee Mun Wah

Student Union Movie Theater

Free and open to the public

Sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Distinguished Speakers Forum and Student Government Association

Wednesday, March 20

Changing Our Heads, Hearts and Hands – From the Inside Out

Faculty/Staff/Community Training Event

8:15 a.m. – Check-in & Continental Breakfast

9 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Program*

*Online registration required

· $30 for Public/Community

· Free for UNC Charlotte Faculty/Staff

Student Union Multipurpose Room 340

Sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Distinguished Speakers Forum and Human Resources

Wednesday, March 20

“The World Is All Around Us”

Keynote lecture and student dialogue with Lee Mun Wah

3:30 p.m. – Keynote Presentation

4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – Student Dialogue, reception to follow

Student Union Multipurpose Room 340 GHI

Free and open to the public

Sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Distinguished Speakers Forum and Center for Leadership Development’s Emerging Leaders

For more information about the program at UNC Charlotte, visit the Center for Leadership Development.