New online system to simplify Conflict of Interest Disclosures

Faculty and EPA staff may be familiar with the cumbersome and sometimes confusing paper process involved with submitting their Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosures that are required annually by University Policy 102.2 “Conflicts of Interest and Commitment.” For the fall 2014 disclosure submission cycle, this paper process will be a thing of the past.

According to officials with the Department of Research and Economic Development, in 2014 all COI disclosures will be submitted online through the system “Activities, Interests and Relationships” (AIR). This process will eliminate paper disclosures and appendices as well as the time-consuming interoffice routing for required reviews and signatures.

University Policy 102.2 applies to all “covered persons,” which includes all faculty members and all EPA staff. All covered persons must submit a disclosure at least annually. If changes occur during the year, a new disclosure should be submitted within 30 days of the change. The new online disclosure system will make this reporting requirement easier to fulfill.

AIR, now being used at seven on UNC system instituions, will be used for COI disclosures related to research proposals processed through the Niner Online Research Management system (NORM). Previously, one person (typically the lead investigator) certified the conflict of interest status for him/herself, spouse and dependent children as well as for the entire project team plus their spouses and dependent children. AIR will allow each person named on the proposal to certify his/her own COI status for the project.

The deadline for submission of annual COI disclosures for the 2014-15 academic year will be Oct. 1, 2014. Look for additional communication about AIR in 2014.

“AIR is a very user-friendly system,” said Barry Rowan, conflict of interest manager. “It makes the review and approval process so much quicker. We are also currently using the system for External Professional Activities of Pay (EPAP) Disclosures which are routed immediately to the department chair or unit head responsible for EPAP review and approval.”

Conflicts of interest are not necessarily a bad thing and can exist even if no improper acts have occurred. According to Rowan, hundreds of disclosures have already been submitted through the AIR system and only four have required management plans. In these instances, the COI manager and appropriate University offices and committees at UNC Charlotte provide guidance as to how to manage personal and financial interests and relationships appropriately, pursuant to University Policy.

In addition to COI and EPAP disclosures, AIR will be used for Travel and Authorship Disclosures and for completion of conflict of interest training, all of which are now required for U.S. Public Health Service-funded research projects.

The deadline for submission of annual COI disclosures for the 2014-15 academic year will be Oct. 1, 2014. Look for additional communication about AIR in the coming months.

Individuals who have questions about AIR or the various disclosure requirements and processes should contact Barry Rowan, COI manager, 704-687-8270. Technical questions about AIR can be directed to Bernadette Williams, IT program manager in the Research and Economic Development Department, at 704-687-1865.