Help conserve energy during winter break

Before leaving for holiday break, employees are encouraged by facilities management to take these energy conservation steps:

Lights – Lighting is the second-largest use of energy in most commercial spaces. Turning them off is a simple and effective way to conserve resources. Don’t forget about desk lamps, overhead lights and those in common spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and hallways.

Unplug – Many items still use electricity even when turned “off.” This is called “phantom power.” Computers and monitors, TV/DVD players, water coolers, coffee makers, mini fridges, microwave, printers/copy machines, clocks/radios/CD players and other personal appliances are examples. Be sure to turn them off, or, even better, turn off the power strips that control them.

Heating and Air Conditioning – This is the largest energy user in most buildings, so why heat or cool unoccupied space? Whether the office shares a thermostat or if there is a personal unit at individual work stations, turn it down to 60 degrees, if possible. Also, tightly close those windows.