Campus to open and classes resume at noon, Thursday, Feb. 26

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

Effective at noon today (Feb. 26), UNC Charlotte returns to normal operations, Operating Status 1. Classes will be in session and UNC Charlotte offices will be open. Students, faculty and staff should use judgment about the appropriate course of action in individual circumstances as the weather impact varies across the UNC Charlotte service region. In all cases, allow significantly more time for travel and exercise caution.

Individuals should consider:
– Dressing warmly and in layers and wear a hat
– Cleaning all accumulations of snow or ice from their vehicle, including all windows and headlights
– Allowing significantly more time for travel, as much as 50 percent
– Reducing travel speeds considerably
– Increasing following distances to at least three car lengths

Additional information for employees about campus operations is in University Policy 701.