Lunchtime talk enables students to engage with campus leaders

Campus growth, light rail and academic resources were a few of the topics addressed by Chancellor Philip Dubois and campus administrators during a recent discussion with the student body in the Student Union Rotunda.

In response to questions from an attentive audience, Dubois spoke to the continued need to advocate to the state legislature for a new science building, the benefits as well as safety measures that accompany the light rail opening in 2017 and ways to help students graduate in a timely manner by making more classes available through improved faculty recruitment efforts and course scheduling.

The annual “Chancellor’s Lunchtime Student Talk” provided an opportunity for students to discuss current issues facing the University.

Following the chancellor’s talk, Study Body President Steven Serio delivered the “State of the University” address. He reflected on the campus changes during his tenure, including the arrival of football and ongoing efforts of his leadership team to build school spirit and traditions.

The event was hosted by the Student Government Association. More images are on Flickr.