Update on University City Area Plan

The process to update the University City Area Plan, which includes the development of light-rail stations near and on the UNC Charlotte campus, received public support recently during a public-comment with the Charlotte City Council.

Robert Wilhelm, vice chancellor for research and economic development, stated at the meeting, that the plan update “will be critical in linking the University to nearby employment centers and business district.”

According to an article written by Rich Haag and posted on the University City Partners website, “The University City Area Plan is the city’s main guide for shaping how the coming LYNX light-rail line can transform the North Tryon Street corridor around University City’s three future transit stops – much the same way that that the original LYNX Blue Line from uptown to Pineville has attracted walkable urban development near stations in South End and beyond.

Charlotte City Council adopted the current University City Area Plan in 2007 as Charlotte sought federal and state funding for the Blue Line Extension. The final transit plan has fewer stations, some of them in different locations, requiring a revision to the UC Area Plan. Also, the city has learned more about transit-oriented development over the past decade as growth has occurred along the existing line.

Key elements of the 2007 University City Area Plan remain in the new draft: encouraging urban-style development within walking distance of the light-rail stations, linking that new development to nearby employment centers, and envisioning a future city center at University Place.”

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