Staff garden relocated, yielding results

The UNC Charlotte Staff Community Garden, an initiative of the Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness, was relocated from behind the Facilities Management/PPS Building to the backyard of the Niner House, near the Robinson Hall for the Performing Arts.

With funding from facilities management, and a little sweat equity from staff and student employees, the 14 new, raised-bed plots were constructed and readied for planting. After some initial setup, plants at the new location are taking off.

The garden is another step in promoting sustainability initiatives as well as employee health and wellness, said Mike Lizotte, sustainability officer. “The student and staff gardens are places to learn and practice a basic life skill of growing food and flowers, as well as a place for communing with people and nature.”

The new location is more convenient for most faculty and staff, has room to expand and is closer to the Community Garden at UNC Charlotte, a student-led organization, to facilitate the sharing of tools, expertise, labor and produce, Lizotte added.

Staff Community Garden plots are available for an annual fee of $10, which is paid to the Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness. The committee uses the fees to purchase needed items for the garden and to plan for future expansion.