University officer injured foiling thief who preyed on campus

A UNC Charlotte police officer is being hailed as a hero for chasing down a larceny suspect and sustaining a serious head injury just before the individual was apprehended.
Officer Kasey Lowe was injured on Monday, Aug. 24, while chasing a subject who was suspected of stealing laptops, wallets and other personal items from students, faculty and staff in two campus academic buildings, said UNC Charlotte police chief Jeff Baker.
Lowe was on patrol when she spotted the suspect on the UNC Charlotte campus. She immediately gave chase on foot, Baker said.
“As she was running, she tripped on a patch of uneven road construction and fell,” Baker said. “According to witnesses, her head struck the concrete curb, knocking her unconscious.”
After regaining consciousness, Lowe was transported to Carolinas Medical Center. A CAT scan revealed she sustained a significant concussion, according to Baker.
The suspect, who was taken into custody by other officers, confessed to a total of 12 burglary offenses that he had committed on campus in the last 18 months, Baker said.
“This is another fine example of how the UNC Charlotte Police Department endeavors to provide a safe and secure community to our students, staff and faculty,” Baker said about Lowe’s heroics and the ensuing support from fellow officers.
The suspect is a convicted felon and has an extensive criminal history. He has outstanding warrants for his arrest, said Baker.
The suspect admitted looking for unsecured offices and any electronic devices that were unattended. Campus police also learned that he was the so-called “Craigslist robber” that had been active in the area approximately three years ago. He was arrested in conjunction with multiple cases of robbery and had plead guilty, Baker said.
Baker said he visited with Lowe on Monday and said she “was in good spirits, but certainly experiencing a great deal of pain.” Two campus police officers stayed with her, he said.
The neurosurgeon evaluating the injury recommended further observation in the intensive care unit. Lowe was kept overnight in the ICU.
“We are still optimistic for a speedy recovery as observation continues,” Baker said, calling her an “exemplary officer.”