New program prepares learners to embrace future of educational technology

A recently launched online program available through the UNC Charlotte College of Education will train the next generation of virtual teaching and learning system architects and managers.
Offered through the college’s Instructional Systems Technology degree program, the graduate certificate and master’s degree in online learning and teaching (OLT) are the newest additions to a growing catalogue of digital learning opportunities.
“The eLearning revolution has transformed the landscape of learning and teaching,” said Florence Martin, instructional systems technology program director.
Students in the OLT concentration learn how to design, develop and evaluate online instruction and study the technology used to support such applications. They’re also taught the characteristics of virtual students and teaching and learning strategies specific to online mediums.
“Enrollees can complete coursework from ‘anywhere’ and ‘anytime.’ Students who participate in the program must feel comfortable in a learning environment where they take responsibility for their learning process,” Martin said. “Successful online students must be self-disciplined and goal-oriented as they work to complete assignments and interact with the instructor and classmates.”
Marc Bess, an instruction librarian at UNC Charlotte’s J. Murrey Atkins Library, was one of the first to enroll in the program. In his current position, Bess designs and develops digital tools, such as learning modules and tutorials. He said the OLT concentration could help him take the next step in his career.
“I see this program as a great opportunity for me to grow as an instructional designer,” he stated. “The online format is particularly beneficial to me as I have a full time job. The flexibility of online education is wonderful.”
While both arms of the OLT concentration are offered online, the graduate certificate requires 18 credit hours, while the master’s program requires 36.
“A graduate certificate will be beneficial for those who are already teaching and want to pick up online teaching skills. The M.Ed. degree will be beneficial for those who are considering switching careers and are interested in managing online learning programs,” Martin explained.
OLT courses are mapped onto standards from professional organizations in online learning to ensure consistency and quality.
“They’re designed to include measurable goals and objectives, aligned instructional material, activities and assessment. There are multiple opportunities to enhance student-student, student-instructor and student-content interaction so that students get the same or even richer content than in traditional face-to-face courses,” Martin said.
As of fall 2012, 6.7 million people were enrolled in an online class, according to one study; a survey of UNC Charlotte programs a year later revealed more than 2,700 blended and online courses. The rising popularity of online programs suggests now is the right time for the OLT concentration to have emerged and that those who take advantage of the program will graduate to find a landscape rich with career opportunities.