UNC Charlotte continues to cut energy costs

In the past fiscal year, UNC Charlotte’s energy consumption has decreased by about 5 percent, resulting in a 1 percent reduction in total utility costs. Yet, gross square footage on campus increased by 4 percent during the same time frame.

Tony Schallert, energy manager in facilities management, noted the reductions are a result of the University’s performance contract that replaced inefficient lighting in older buildings and the more proficient energy-saving initiatives employed in new construction.

“These are impressive results and year over year numbers. Obviously they result from the great work of lots of people in implementing innovative and smart policies and procedures,” wrote Tom Ross, UNC system president, in an email to the chancellor. “Also, these successes, in my view, come only when there is clear direction and leadership from the top. So, thanks to you and your entire team. Keep it up.”

Since 2003, campus sustainability initiatives have saved the University $14.8 million in utility costs, with energy consumption down 33 percent. During this same time frame, the campus’s full-time student equivalent growth was about 50 percent and the University nearly doubled building space.

For the 2015 fiscal year, utility savings were $4.8 million.