CCI doctoral students place second at HackNC

Junjie Shan and Jinyue Xia, doctoral students in the College of Computing and Informatics, recently took second place in HackNC 2015 at UNC Chapel Hill. Their creation “CrowdFood” was the second-best overall application at the 24-hour hack-a-thon.
The application was designed to help individuals find food quickly by estimating wait times for restaurants. Xia developed the iOS app that supported collecting and showing real-time user reports, while Shan created the Web app to display the reports. UNC Chapel Hill student Hongkun Ge provided development support.
HackNC, held at UNC Chapel Hill, was billed as a weekend for students of all skill levels to broaden their talents and have access to hands-on demonstrations and workshops related to computer science.
Photo: Junjie Shan (left) and Jinyue Xia (right) with Hongkun Ge from UNC Chapel Hill with their HackNC second place medals.