Personally Speaking talk to be streamed

Shannon Sullivan’s Personally Speaking presentation on the book “Good White People: The Problem with Middle-Class White Anti-Racism” will be streamed live on Inside UNC Charlotte starting at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 10.
Sullivan is a professor of philosophy and health psychology; she dentifies “white middle-class goodness” as attitudes common among well-meaning white liberals, each serving to establish a lack of racism:
- denigration of lower class “white trash” as responsible for ongoing white racism
- demonization of antebellum slaveholders
- emphasis on colorblindness, especially in the context of white childrearing
- cultivation of attitudes of white guilt, shame and betrayal
The professor advises white liberals to acknowledge and accept their whiteness in the pursuit of racial justice rather than disown it or pretend it doesn’t exist.
The Office of University Communications is providing the live stream broadcast of this event.