‘Spring into Wellness’ among upcoming ACCEHW offerings

The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness (ACCEHW) will offer the four-week initiative “Spring into Wellness” starting Sunday, March 13.
The lunch-and-learn “Improving Your Memory” and a webinar “Sailing on: A Guide to Transitioning into Retirement” are among March offerings sponsored by the committee, too.
“Spring into Wellness” is a self-tracking program for physical activity; fruit, vegetable and water consumption; and other activities. There are no in-person meetings associated with this offering. Following the conclusion of the program on Saturday, April 9, the top three trackers and the most-improved participant will receive prizes. Learn more on the Web.
“Improving Your Memory,” a lunch-and-learn program, will be from noon to 1 p.m., Thursday, March 17, in the Student Union, Room 200. Register online to attend.
The “Sailing on: A Guide to Transitioning into Retirement” webinar will be broadcast from noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, March 30. Online registration is required.