‘Green with Gratitude’ – a chance for students to express appreciation

State appropriations and tuition and fees are among the funding sources for the University; however, the “extras” that add to academic and research opportunities and enhance campus facilities often result from the generosity of donors.
“Green with Gratitude” is a campus-wide initiative to inform students about the importance of philanthropy and to create the chance for them to express their appreciation to donors to the Chancellor’s Fund.
“Every single student on UNC Charlotte’s campus is touched by philanthropy in some way,” said Brittany Bumgarner, donor relations coordinator in the University Advancement Division. “From renovated classrooms and financial aid to cultural events and campus beautification, UNC Charlotte donors have provided much-needed funding that have enabled the University to enhance the 49er experience. We think it is important that students understand how private support has become a vital component of their educational journey, and ‘Green with Gratitude’ is an opportunity to say thank you.”
Representatives from the Division of University Advancement will set up stations for students to write notes of appreciation. The “Green with Gratitude” locations will operate 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Student Union on Monday, March 21; at the Prospector on Tuesday, March 22; at the Cato/Fretwell Courtyard on Wednesday, March 23 and in the lobby of EPIC on Thursday, March 24.
Preparing students to become civic-minded citizens is part of the UNC Charlotte mission, so helping members of the Niner Nation to better understand how they have benefited from philanthropy can encourage them to consider giving back in the future, Shayna Long, assistant director of annual giving, stated.