Goucher College president to deliver keynote talk

Technology can make life much easier, but it can distract people from their college education. Jose Antonio Bowen, president of Goucher College, envisions the use of technology in the classroom as a way to engage students rather than to simply educate them.
Bowen, author of “Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning,” will be the keynote speaker for a program sponsored by the Communication across the Curriculum program; his talk is scheduled for noon, Monday, May 16, in the Halton Reading Room of Atkins Library. It is open to members of the campus community.
“Teaching Naked” highlights the importance of higher education and pushes for the idea of meaningful interaction between faculty and students. He encourages an environment where college educators provide information that is considered more than valuable to their students.
“Time for reflection and interaction is a casualty of the digital age, and one of the primary goals of higher education should be to reclaim this time,” Bowen said.
Through his teaching, Bowen provides knowledge and advice on how to use technology for more active learning opportunities.