FM automotive team among top motor fleets

The automotive team in the Facilities Management Department recently received honorable mention as one of the top motor fleets in the Americas by 100 Best Fleets in the Americas.
The organization, founded by Tom Johnson, is part of the 100 Best Fleets Program. He noted, “To me, you are unsung heroes … Your efforts are having an immediate and impressive effect on the economy. To put it in perspective, there are over 38,000 public fleets in North America alone and thousands more in South America.”
Automotive supervisor Chris Facente credited the automotive team for the “standout” recognition. “This is our first time applying for the award and to receive honorable mention acknowledges the work our team does daily to provide quality fleet operations.”
The automotive team’s standards are a result of a knowledgeable and efficient team in collaboration with an unwavering level of support from management. “Without a great level of managerial support, learning opportunities and resources, these types of recognition wouldn’t be possible,” said Joey Cochran, grounds and automotive superintendent.
The award was formally presented during the Institute and Expo, an annual event presented by NAFA Fleet Management Association, held in Austin, Texas.