Cato College professor named Global Teacher Education Fellow

Erik Byker, an assistant professor in the Cato College of Education’s Department of Reading and Elementary Education, has been named a Global Teacher Education (GTE) Fellow.

Byker is one of GTE’s five fellows, and his global outreach in academia speaks for his award. In his current courses, ELED 3223, an elementary social studies methods course, and ELED 4220, an integrated instructional design course, Byker develops assignments where teacher candidates research global resources at their clinical schools to create a virtual library of diverse texts that build global competencies and understanding. He also teaches courses in culturally responsive pedagogy, instructional design, and social studies methods and specializes in curriculum foundations, educational technology integration, global citizenship education and global competencies.

“Supporting global learning is a strong thread weaved throughout my teaching, service and research,” Byker said. “It is truly an honor to be selected as a fellow.”

According to its website, Global Teacher Education has as its mission “to ensure U.S. teachers are properly trained to prepare young people to cope and thrive in a globally connected world.” GTE Fellows design global learning classrooms, with the long-term goal that the teacher candidates of these classrooms will design their own global learning classrooms with their future students.

Byker’s research examines the integration of digital technology for the development of global competencies among teacher candidates and practicing teachers. This comparative and international research agenda has allowed him to conduct ethnographic field studies in Cuba, England, Germany, India, South, Africa, South Korea and across the United States.

“Dr. Byker’s acceptance as a Global Teacher Education Fellow attests to his commitment and focus on the development of global and cultural competencies among K-12 students, teacher candidates and practicing teachers,” said Michael Putman, chair of the Department of Reading and Elementary Education. “He has actively engaged in and contributed to international education in the department and college through his teaching, research and service.”

Under the mentorship of a global learning expert, each fellow revises an undergraduate or graduate course for initial licensure teacher candidates. Byker will teach the revised course in an initial teacher preparation program, produce an accompanying module to try out with students, and produce a short video case study of the module. The coursework revision aligns with the Reading and Elementary Education Department’s efforts to supplement a proposed minor, Applied Understandings in Global Education.

“Dr. Byker’s knowledge of international contexts has enabled the department to create a course of study for a proposed minor that is practical, relevant and aligned with the internationalization goals of the (Cato) College of Education,” said Putman. “This honor will allow Dr. Byker to further his global insights, as well as better position the department and college to be national leaders in preparing teachers to enter and teach in international contexts.”