Historian to talk about ‘When Government Was Good’

The GI Bill, environmental protections and the desegregation of public schools and housing were all “gifts” to the Baby Boomer generation. Post-World War II legislative actions led by Presidents Truman, Eisenhower and Johnson were based on the belief that encouraging individual opportunity would result in the betterment of the entire nation.
However, the dynamic of “good government” did not last, and David Goldfield, UNC Charlotte’s award-winning Robert Lee Bailey Professor of History, will talk about how the shrinking of the federal government shut off subsequent generations from those gifts during a Personally Speaking lecture, scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 25, at UNC Charlotte Center City.
Goldfield’s talk will be based upon his most recent work, “The Gifted Generation: When Government Was Good.” A reception and book signing will follow the presentation. This is the first in the 2018-19 series of Personally Speaking conversations in which UNC Charlotte’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences faculty members talk about recent books they have written and how they came to write them.
Personally Speaking is entering its ninth season, and series talks are open to the public without charge, but registration is required. Information about parking and other useful tips for the evening will be emailed prior to the event to those who RSVP.