Voice professor releases album featuring black composers

Assistant Professor of Voice Carl DuPont had the new album, “The Reaction,” released by Albany Records. It features songs by black composers, most of whom have never been recorded. Gregory Thompson of Winston-Salem State University is the pianist.

“The Reaction” is one dimension of a long-term research project that began when DuPont, a bass-baritone, was an undergraduate student at Eastman School of Music. After performing a recital of songs by European composers, he became interested in learning music by African Americans, which was rarely presented on conservatory concert stages. Discovering just one anthology of art songs by black composers, DuPont committed to build that repertoire and access to it.

“My challenge became to find songs that celebrated blackness and the black experience in order to make sure the next generation of students and teachers who searched for art songs by black composers found resources that were easily accessible, practical and appropriate,” he wrote in an essay for CoAA.Community.

DuPont has since commissioned and performed works by contemporary composers, many are featured on this album, and he plans to publish a musical score that could accompany the works. See a full track listing here.

A graduate of the Eastman School of Music, DuPont earned a master’s degree from Indiana University; his doctorate in voice pedagogy and performance is from the Frost School of Music, University of Miami.