UNC Charlotte hosts Charlotte regional legislators

More than 30 legislators from the Charlotte region attended a recent dinner hosted by Chancellor Philip L. Dubois and the UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Dubois’ campus update highlighted both the University’s continuous student enrollment growth and the physical growth of campus since the previous legislative dinner held in 2017. Within the UNC System, UNC Charlotte is the fastest-growing campus for number of students enrolled. In terms of physical growth, the University has been welcoming 103 light rail trains to campus daily for almost a year, planning for the May 2019 opening of the Undergraduate Admissions Center and the fall 2019 opening of the University Recreation Center and preparing to break ground later this semester on the Connect NC Bond-funded science building.
Attendees included UNC Board of Governors members Rob Bryan, Philip Byers and Bob Rucho ’94; UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees members Sharon Decker, Brett Keeter ’99 and Teross Young ’93; UNC Charlotte Student Body President Niayai Lavien; UNC Charlotte Student Body Vice President Chandler Crean; and UNC Charlotte’s liaison to the UNC System Association of Student Governments Tobi Kalejaiye.
Returning and newly elected 49er alumni legislators attending included Sen. Ted Alexander ’82, Rep. Dean Arp ’99, Rep. Mary Belk ’06, Rep. Kelly Hastings ’09, Sen. Mujtaba Mohammed ’08, Rep. Jason Saine ’95, Sen. Vickie Sawyer ’97 and Sen. Joyce Waddell ’73.
While in Raleigh, Dubois and Keeter met with Sen. Dan Bishop, Sen. Kathy Harrington, Sen. Todd Johnson, Rep. Becky Carney and Rep. Jason Saine to advocate for the University’s 2019 legislative priorities.
The University is seeking funding for renovations of the Cameron and Burson buildings, an increase in carryforward authority and approval authority, enrollment growth funding and salary increases for faculty and staff.
Dubois reiterated these priorities at the dinner.
“It was very heartening to see the passion and excitement of our regional legislators for UNC Charlotte and I was greatly encouraged by their support of our priorities,” said Dubois
Photo: Sen. Ted Alexander ’82, Rep. Mary Belk ’06, Rep. Kelly Hastings ’09, Sen. Joyce Waddell ’73, Sen. Mujtaba Mohammed ’08, Sen. Vickie Sawyer ’97, Rep. Jason Saine ’95 and Rep. Dean Arp ’99 attended the University’s legislative dinner.