5 Cool Things

1. Chancellor Search
The Board of Trustees has formed a search committee to recommend finalists to become the next chancellor of UNC Charlotte. After 15 years in the post, Chancellor Philip L. Dubois recently announced his intention to retire effective June 30, 2020.
2. Millennial Leaders
For the first time, UNC Charlotte will be a campus hub for the highly prestigious Millennium Fellowship program. Other universities include Arizona State University, Cornell University, Georgetown University, Georgia Institute of Technology and Harvard University.
3. New Leadership for DSI
Doug Hague has been named interim executive director for UNC Charlotte’s Data Science Initiative (DSI), an interdisciplinary industry-university-state partnership. Since 2015, it has focused on preparing students and industry leaders to apply the power of data to solve problems in business and society.
4. Top Teachers
It’s no secret UNC Charlotte boasts top-notch faculty. Jennifer Webb was named the 2019 recipient of the Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence and Thomas Marshall was honored with the inaugural UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence.
5. Cowboys cheerleader
UNC Charlotte alumna Kat Puryear ’16 is now a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. The Trinity, North Carolina, native made her NFL debut last weekend after being named to the squad in August (image: RPM Productions, Inc.).