Can’t Miss Events

#NinerNationGives and Alumni Events
Wednesday-Friday, Sept. 18 to 20
#Niner Nation Gives is UNC Charlotte’s fifth annual digital fundraising event. Join fellow 49ers in supporting the University by making a gift to your favorite college or unit, wearing green gear and spreading the word on social media using #NinerNationGives. Your support will benefit student scholarships, cutting-edge research and new campus facilities. Alumni and friends from Charlotte to Dallas will be celebrating together—meet up and network with 49ers in the following locations:
44th Annual International Festival
Saturday, Sept. 21
10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Barnhardt Student Activity Center, UNC Charlotte
Join 20,000 of your closest friends for a trip around the world at UNC Charlotte’s 44th annual International Festival. Feast your senses (and appetites) on the sights, sounds and tastes of more than 50 countries and cultures. Plan to spend several hours, or all day, wandering through tents of brightly colored displays, tasting authentic cuisine from around the world and soaking up the atmosphere of song, dance and story. Festival entry and parking are free; food vendors and booths offer items for sale. Check out LYNX Blue Line to make your trip to campus even easier.
The Eternal Present of Sport: Rethinking Sport and Religion
Tuesday, Sept. 24
7 p.m., Presentation; Book Signing and Reception to follow – UNC Charlotte Center City
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Personally Speaking series kicks off its 10th season with a hard look at the sport-religion relationship. “The Eternal Present of Sport: Rethinking Sport and Religion” (Temple University Press) by Daniel A. Grano, professor of Communication Studies, considers the importance of religious images and ideas in contemporary sport controversies, including performance enhancement, the head trauma crisis and pay-for-play in collegiate athletics.
Presentation and reception are free; registration is required.
10 Under Ten Awards Presented by the UNC Charlotte Young Alumni Chapter
Thurs. Sept. 26
6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Popp Martin Student Union, UNC Charlotte
Join us for the second annual 10 Under Ten Awards as we recognize and spotlight accomplished UNC Charlotte alumni who have graduated within the past 10 years. This year’s recipients include Darryl Bellamy ’12, Paula Canter ’14, Mykell Gates Jamil ’10, Emmanuel Kei ’16, Justin Marsh ’11, ’15, Katie Shue McGuffin ’09, ’12, ’15, ’17, Mellissa Oliver ’12, Jonathan Peebles ’16, Jaron Thomas ’12 and Samantha Timmons ’16.
Registration is required.
Black Alumni Chapter Excellence in Leadership Awards
Friday, Sept. 27
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; Harris Alumni Center at Johnson Glen, UNC Charlotte
Join us for a special Excellence in Leadership Awards luncheon honoring extraordinary alumni in healthcare, entrepreneurship, community engagement, community service and more. This year’s recipients include Pamela Wideman ’06, Judge Linda Bratton Haynes ’80, B.J. Williams ’10, Robin Green ’96, Khaleel Loyd ’14 and Derek Ross ’05.
Registration is required.
49er Tailgate Village: Homecoming/Oktoberfest
Saturday, Sept. 28
12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.; Hauser Pavilion, UNC Charlotte
Tailgate the Niner way with the UNC Charlotte Alumni Association before the Charlotte 49ers take on the FAU Owls for the 2019 Homecoming football game. Enjoy delicious game-day themed food stations; open bar with a variety of beer and wine selections, water and ice-cold soft drinks; music and family-friendly games and visits from Norm, our 49er cheerleaders and the Pride of Niner Nation Marching Band.
Register here. Check out the full schedule of Homecoming activities here.
Kids Fest
Saturday, Oct. 5
11 a.m. to 4 p.m., UNC Charlotte
Looking for a fun and free way to entertain the family and inspire their minds? Look no further than the third annual Kids Fest at UNC Charlotte. The free, interactive event will engage children and parents in creative and educational activities and live performances covering five areas: Learn! Discover! Create! Go! Play! Located directly across from the J.W. Clay Station, LYNX Blue Line makes it easier than ever to get to campus.
Get all the details here.