Make an impact on campus through #NinerNationGives

The fifth annual #NinerNationGives, a 49-hour digital fundraising campaign, kicks off at 11 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 18 and goes through noon, Friday, Sept. 20.

Niners everywhere can show their 49er pride by making a gift to their favorite college or program at the University, wearing green and spreading the word on social media using #NinerNationGives. Participants’ support will benefit student scholarships, cutting-edge research and campus facilities.

“We have been blown away at the amount of support that has come in for #NinerNationGives from current students and alumni across the country over the past four years,” said Shayna Long, assistant director of annual giving. “It really demonstrates the incredible support of the UNC Charlotte community and their dedication to improving the University for the next generation of Niners.”

Alumni are invited to events taking place across the country in Atlanta, New York City, Raleigh and Dallas during the 49-hours. Charlotte alumni will gather at Brewers at 4001 Yancey from 6 to 8 p.m., Sept. 18, to network with peers and celebrate their 49er pride.

A #NinerNationGives student picnic is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 19, on the plaza between the Cato College of Education and the College of Health and Human Services. Satellite locations include Belk Plaza, Levine Plaza and EPIC lobby.

Gifts made by faculty or staff members during #NinerNationGives will count toward Giving Green.

Last year’s #NinerNationGives broke records, raising $265,244 with 1,949 gifts from Niners in 39 states and Washington, D.C. This year’s goal is to increase both dollars and donors, and to acquire gifts from all 50 states.