Meet Kyle Lanasa

Meet Kyle Lanasa, an emergency management specialist in the Office of Emergency Management. Learn more about him, his role and his advice for student success.

Describe what you do at UNC Charlotte.

Primarily, my job is focused around COVID-19 data and case management, but I often assist with our NinerReady program and other data-driven projects within our office.

How long have you been at UNC Charlotte and what brought you here?

I have been with Charlotte since February 2021 and was initially brought on to assist the University in its COVID-19 efforts. I honestly never knew that higher education emergency management existed and thought, why not? Definitely a great decision.

What keeps you coming to work every day? What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

My coworkers, for sure. They are some of the most amazing and brilliant people I have ever had the privilege of working with. One of the most rewarding parts about this job (aside from working with a rock star team) is actually being able to use the degree I went to school for. A little selfish, yes, but oh so rewarding.

What’s your most memorable experience as an employee?

I’d have to say my most memorable experience so far was my first day. Seeing the Emergency Operations Center, meeting everyone and touring the campus for the first time was such a great and memorable experience.

What drew you to the field of emergency management?

I’ve always been interested in how a disaster can affect a community and how a community responds to these challenges.

What advice would you give to students to encourage their success at UNC Charlotte?

Keep going! Trust me, I know you are tired, but once you walk across that stage, all the hard work, late nights and tears will all have been worth it.

When you’re not on campus, how do you spend your free time?

Currently, most of my free time is consumed with reading and homework for my master’s program, but, if I can manage, I do enjoy hiking Crowders Mountain and spending time with my niece and nephew.