Meet Jules Keith-Le

Meet Jules Keith-Le, a faculty development specialist and Charlotte native. Learn about her work with the Center of Teaching and Learning, her favorite things about campus and great events coming up for faculty, staff and students alike.

How long have you been at UNC Charlotte?

I’ve worked at Charlotte for just over 10 years. I spent the first five and a half years supporting Charlotte staff through my role in learning and organizational development and human resources providing professional development and University training programs. Now, I support Charlotte faculty through the School of Professional Studies in the Center for Teaching and Learning by providing faculty development programming and support for scholarly teaching and learning and educational research.

Can you describe your role at UNC Charlotte?

I am a faculty development specialist, which has a diverse portfolio of duties tied to the title. I develop and deliver workshops for faculty on academic technologies such as the learning management system Canvas as well as facilitate our signature faculty certificate programs. I coordinate and market all faculty development programs that come out of the Center for Teaching and Learning.

My role involves a lot of consultation work with faculty to help them with their course design and delivery and coordinate our faculty learning communities. I partner with faculty council and elected committee members to administer the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning grants. We often collaborate with academic offices who support faculty and students to improve learning experiences and outcomes, such as working with the library on open educational resources and with the Office of Academic Diversity and Inclusion on the Student Experience Project. Each year we partner with the Charlotte ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office to welcome new faculty members during new faculty orientation programming. What I like best about my role is the breadth and depth of projects that I get to be involved in and knowing they work towards student success.

Where did you go to school?

I am currently a doctoral candidate in the Educational Leadership program at Charlotte and will graduate in 2023. I also have a Graduate Certificate in Instructional Systems Technology from Charlotte, a Master of Fine Arts in Photography from the University of Florida at Gainesville and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology from Appalachian State University.

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. My family has lived in this area for as far back as we can track. My great grandfather opened the first towing and wrecking service in Charlotte, Keith’s Garage. It was located where the Panther’s stadium now sits.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Helping people. Every day I am excited to come to work knowing that I will be able to be of service to others in a multitude of ways. When I am able to make a positive impact (big or small) on faculty teaching practices, knowing that will have an impact on their students. It’s a very rewarding feeling.

What do you love about UNC Charlotte?

The beauty of the campus year-round. I love walking around and looking at the trees, plants and architecture. I see our students enjoying it, too. Our Botanical Gardens and greenhouse are special gems at Charlotte, as are the artwork and sculptures across our campus. One of my favorite things to do is watch it snow while standing in the breezeway between Colvard North and South — there is something special about the view with the glass panels between the two buildings that is very picturesque in the winter weather.

What are three words to describe UNC Charlotte?

Vibrant, boundless, green (it’s also my favorite color!).

What are some of the opportunities the Center for Teaching and Learning provides?

We offer some really stellar professional development opportunities. For instance, tomorrow, Oct. 26, we are hosting Dr. Leigh Graves Wolf from Arizona State University, who is going to be talking to us about Exploring the Pedagogical Landscape of Trust and Fairness. This is a virtual event from 11 a.m. to noon and anyone is welcome to attend. I welcome anyone reading this to learn more here and reserve your virtual seat now!