Meet Kamora Varner

Kamora Varner ’21 serves as the program assistant for course support services in the University Center of Academic Excellence. Learn more about her role, her love for Charlotte and why she volunteers at commencement every semester.

Can you describe your role at UNC Charlotte?

I support the assistant directors of tutorial services and peer assisted learning by helping students gain access to the tutoring services or collaborative supplemental instruction for their courses. I am also responsible for putting together reading day review sessions, which happen every semester as a final review for students before finals begin. While I primarily orchestrate 20 to 25 review sessions, none of it would be possible without the support and help from my course support team, my colleagues and graduate teaching assistants and our peer leaders who lead the sessions.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is talking to and forming relationships with the undergraduate and graduate students in our office, as well as my colleagues. I love finding out how everyone is doing whether good or bad, catching up from our last conversation or simply just giving a quick smile and wave hello. People need to know that someone is always thinking of them or caring for them and I genuinely love doing that. It’s exciting when students want to come back and share how they passed an exam they were doubting themselves on or just want to talk about their weekend.

What does it mean to you to be working at your alma mater?

I started working at Charlotte almost a year after I graduated, and it has truly been one of the best experiences I have had. I used to think that UNC Charlotte was where I learned who I was as a young adult, and now it’s where I learn who I am as a true working professional.

I was initially nervous that the qualities I loved about Charlotte as a student would not translate over as an employee, but that was anything but true. I love being surrounded by the students and even giving back my “expertise” by being able to take on additional roles, such as serving as the advisor for the student organization I was president of in my undergraduate years, the coalition of 100 Black Women.

Why do you volunteer at commencement and what has your role been as a volunteer?

Commencement is such a special time in our students lives, and I truly get so excited to play a small part in that day. I love getting to see the students from my center, my organization and from the school as a whole walk across that stage. My first time as a volunteer, I worked with the Registrar’s Office handing out name cards to students before they lined up in the practice gym. Working with the name cards was a cool experience getting to see all the graduates dressed so spiffy with big smiles on their faces! I have also worked at the information tables and while they can get busy, it is very fun to see the excited parents and sometimes even have a quick conversation about their graduate.

Why should fellow faculty and staff volunteer for commencement?

Fellow faculty and staff should volunteer because it is truly such an exciting time for the students we not only interact with, but all the graduates on that day. It’s almost like a tiny party that you get to repeat four times (if you’re like me and volunteer for all of the ceremonies). It is also a nostalgic moment to reflect back to when you graduated and you are just filled with that happiness for those students who are about to embark on their new journey. As a people person it is also a really amazing way to meet new people from different departments.

What are three words to describe UNC Charlotte?

Three words that describe UNC Charlotte are beautiful, fun and rich.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

When I am not working I love to volunteer, as I mentioned earlier. I love working with my girls in 100 Black Women, I love trying new food places with friends and ultimately just finding new adventures to get into.

What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?

I am the youngest professional staff member on our team, which can be intimidating, even still to this day, but very inspiring because I work with some really cool and very accomplished people. A non-work related fun fact is that I hiked a volcano in Costa Rica when I was 16. It was intense but very beautiful at the top.