
Award-winning educator Bob Beichner from N.C. State University will be the guest speaker for the Center for Teaching and Learning’s…

The UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture and Urban Institute will launch the third year of the KEEPING WATCH…

The Department of Music Faculty and Friends Concert Series will present a jazz performance at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 23,…

The second of three Belk Plaza forums is scheduled for 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 22, in the Cone…

Kelly Northey from enrollment management and Stephanie Stewart with the English Language Training Institute recently received prizes for their participation…

Greg Weeks, chair of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, will discuss Cuba and the United States for…

Thomas Negri, a long-time advocate of diversity, inclusiveness and opportunity for immigrants and refugees, will deliver UNC Charlotte’s annual Levine…

Designed to showcase the field, “Discover Engineering Day” will feature a talk from a NASA expert, tour of EPIC energy…

Jeffrey Kripal, the J. Newton Rayzor Chair in Philosophy and Religious Thought at Rice University, will deliver the 32nd annual…

“Nature or nurture” has been a question of interest for developmental researchers, but a recent UNC Charlotte workshop is showing…

Arthur Jackson, vice chancellor of student affairs, was “Leader of the Day” Feb. 16 for the YBM Leadership Alliance. He…

UNC Charlotte is operating on a reduced schedule, Operating Status No. 2, on Monday, Feb. 15. Offices and facilities are…