Academic Affairs

Apply for Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund grants
The Council on University Community is accepting proposals for the Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund through Tuesday, March 17.
The fund supports initiatives that promote the daily value of diversity in the intellectual life of the campus. Faculty, staff or students are eligible to apply for awards of up to $5,000.

UNC Board of Governors to meet at UNC Charlotte
UNC Charlotte will host the UNC Board of Governors Thursday and Friday, Feb. 26-27.
It is considered a great honor for a constituent institution to have the governing board of the UNC system on its campus. An openness to innovation and ideas has spurred the University’s incredible growth in a relatively short time – just 50 years as a UNC campus, and UNC Charlotte is uniquely positioned to serve a critical population in the state, helping secure a big future for public higher education in North Carolina.

Career Center to hold annual Education Career Fair
UNC Charlotte students and alumni, as well as community members, are invited to the Education Career Fair, which will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.

First Ward Park construction continues
Work continues on the four-acre First Ward Park, a joint public-private venture. With its location between ImaginOn and UNC Charlotte Center City, the park will provide the University with arts and cultural programming opportunities.

Half-day Career and Academic Advising Seminar scheduled
The Office of Academic Services, in collaboration with the Advising Redesign Team, will hold a half-day seminar for career and undergraduate academic advisors from 9 a.m. to noon, Friday, Feb. 20, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center, Salons A and B.

Feb. 12 ‘Live Wire’ to highlight upcoming theatre production
James Vesce, chair of the Department of Theatre, and theatre student Dylaney Edinger are the guests on the Feb. 12 edition of “The Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast.

Sabol to discuss Russia as part of 2015 Great Decisions series
Steve Sabol, associate professor of history, will discuss Russia and the near abroad as the sixth speaker in the 2015 Great Decisions lecture series. This final presentation in the 2015 series will be at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 18, at UNC Charlotte Center City.

Three UNC Charlotte student teams to compete in Social Entrepreneurship Conference
Three student teams from UNC Charlotte will compete this week at the 2015 University of North Carolina Social Entrepreneurship Conference.
Now in its third year, the UNC Social Entrepreneurship Conference engages students, faculty and entrepreneurs from across the state to identify North Carolina’s social problems and take a business-oriented approach to solve them.

University to host State Department leadership institute
UNC Charlotte will host a U.S. Department of State EducationUSA Leadership Institute Friday, Feb. 13, through Wednesday, Feb. 25. It will bring 15 educators to Charlotte to explore opportunities for capacity-building and international collaboration in the area of institutional structures to support inbound and outbound student mobility.

Brown named co-editor of leading adult education journal
Heather Brown, executive director of the Women + Girls Research Alliance, was named co-editor of the Journal of Research and Practice for Literacy, Secondary and Basic Education. The scholarly work, housed in the Commission on Adult Basic Education at Rutgers University, is a major voice that links research to practice in adult literacy and basic education for more than 35 years.