Academic Affairs

Sectarianism in the Middle East topic of Great Decisions talk
Joyce Dalsheim, assistant professor in the Department of Global, International and Area Studies, will discuss sectarianism in the Middle East as the fifth speaker in the 2015 Great Decisions lecture series. This free, public presentation is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 11, at UNC Charlotte Center City.

February academic advising workshops scheduled
The Office of Academic Services offers free workshops to University advisors on a variety of topics. Participants are requested to register online for session(s) they plan to attend; email the Office of Academic Services ( with any questions.

Faces – Will Espin
Associate registrar Will Espin once worked for Donald Trump—and he’s quick to point out he wasn’t fired.
The former Trump Taj Mahal vice president actually retired from the casino industry and returned to North Carolina. He enrolled at UNC Charlotte to finish an undergraduate degree he originally started at UNC Chapel Hill. After completing his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, he earned an M.B.A. in 2007.

COACHE survey seeking faculty input on job satisfaction
UNC Charlotte full-time faculty members are encouraged to participate in a survey of faculty job satisfaction as part of the national research program Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), which has operated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education since 2003.

DSBA focus of Feb. 5 ‘Live Wire’
Joshua Hertel, director of student services for the Data Science and Business Analytics program; and Paul Prae, a student in the Professional Science Master’s in Data Science and Business Analytics program; and Kurtis Thompkins, director of executive education in the Belk College of Business; will be guests on the Feb. 5 edition of “The Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast.

Charlotte Venture Challenge application prep session scheduled
The 2015 Charlotte Venture Challenge business innovation competition, is accepting applications from early-stage entrepreneurial companies through noon, Tuesday, March 3.
The competition is open to early-stage companies that will compete in one of four categories 1) new energy and high tech; 2) IT and informatics; 3) health IT and biotech sciences; and 4) general, which includes consumer products. Student teams will compete in either graduate student ventures or undergraduate student ventures.

Learn more about BRIDGES leadership program for women
UNC Charlotte members of the BRIDGES Academic Leadership for Women program will conduct an information session from 3 to 5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 24, in Kennedy Building, Room 221.
The BRIDGES Program, housed at the Friday Center at Chapel Hill, won the 2013 State Network Leadership Award from the American Council on Education.
During the Feb. 24 session, attendees will learn about BRIDGES from past participants. This reception also will provide an opportunity to meet and network with other University women, many of whom are BRIDGES graduates.

Tuition hike proposal on UNC Board of Governors February agenda
Rapidly increasing demand and several years of budget cuts are the key factors in a proposal to raise UNC Charlotte tuition for the next two fiscal years.
The UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees, this past fall, approved a plan to raise tuition for resident undergraduates by 3 percent for FYs 2015-16 and 2016-17. The current in-state, full-time tuition/general fee rate is $6,179 for fall and spring (FY 2014-15).

Biometrics and privacy in the digital age topic of Feb. 4 Great Decisions
Bojan Cukic, professor and chair of the Department of Computer Science, will discuss biometrics and privacy in the digital age as the fourth speaker in the 2015 Great Decisions lecture series. This free, public presentation is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 4, at UNC Charlotte Center City.

Call for applications for 14th annual Charlotte Venture Challenge
The Charlotte Venture Challenge, the Southeast’s premiere business innovation competition, will take place in partnership with the Southeast Venture Conference, which returns to Charlotte Tuesday, March 31, through Thursday, April 2.