Cato College of Education

Education faculty co-authors ‘Following the Northern Star’

Greg Wiggan, a faculty member in the College of Education, had the co-authored work “Following the Northern Star: Caribbean Identities and Education in North American Schools” released by Nova Publishers.

New journal aimed at urban education issues

The UNC Charlotte Urban Education Collaborative has launched an online graduate student peer-reviewed journal entitled Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals.
This journal will highlight the research of graduate students from across the United States in the field of urban education. Doctoral candidates from the College of Education will manage the journal with oversight from Chance Lewis, Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor of Urban Education and director of the Urban Education Collaborative.

Shue awarded UNC-China Technology Learning Grant

Pamela Shue, assistant professor in the Child and Family Development program in the College of Education, was awarded a UNC-China Technology Learning Grant by UNC General Administration. It will fund the development of a global understanding course focused on early childhood education in collaboration with partners at Beijing Normal University (BNU) in Beijing, China.  

Initiative to measure impact of interactive technology on young children

Associate professor and child and family development program coordinator in the College of Education Suzanne Lamorey and her graduate students will meet with child care teachers and directors during a one-year period as part of a collaboration to provide interactive technology to young children.

NSF grant awarded for teacher preparation scholarships

UNC Charlotte has been awarded a $698,123 Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program grant from the National Science Foundation to enhance the content expertise of 12 secondary education majors dedicated to pursuing careers as chemistry and physics teachers.