College of Arts + Architecture

Architecture students build ‘People’s Porch’
As the fall semester came to a close, Marc Manack, associate professor of architecture, and students in his class “Good Fast Cheap” worked to bring a community’s vision to life.

Theatre professor to join national board
Associate Professor of Theatre CarlosAlexis Cruz will join the 2020 board class for the Network of Ensemble Theaters; he is one of six new board members from across the United States. The Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET) is a national community of artists and arts organizations committed to the advancement of the ensemble form through advocacy, education and capacity-building. It has hundreds of members from across the country.

Professor’s augmented reality project brings Levine Museum exhibit to life
Associate Professor of Urban Design Ming-Chun Lee has collaborated with the Levine Museum of the New South to integrate augmented reality (AR) technology and GIS mapping into an exhibition about Charlotte neighborhoods, past and present.

Dance Partners
A unique partnership between UNC Charlotte and Charlotte Ballet enables students like Rose Wuertz to earn both a bachelor’s degree in dance and a professional training certificate in dance.

Architecture team wins research award
Assistant Professor of Architecture Rachel Dickey and School of Architecture alumni Ali Karduni ’17 M.S./M.Arch. and Noushin Radnia ’18 M.S./M.Arch. have received a 2020 Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Research Incentive Award for their proposal, “Reconfigurable Space: Kinematic Environments Controlled with Computer Vision.”

Wind Ensemble to perform
The UNC Charlotte Wind Ensemble will perform a concert at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Nov. 25, in the Belk Theater of Robinson Hall.The ensemble, under the direction of Shawn Smith, will present a program that includes “Process of Nobles,” “Only Light, Only Love” and “The Bicycle Shop” and other selections.Tickets are $8. CoA+A majors receive one complimentary ticket via the 49erArtsLink program.

University Chorale to present holiday concert
The University Chorale will perform a holiday concert on Monday, Dec. 2, under the direction of guest conductor Ginger Wyrick. The program features selections from Handel’s “Messiah” including the ever-popular “Hallelujah” chorus.

Architecture professor wins emerging designer competition
Assistant Professor of Architecture Catty Dan Zhang has won the 2019 University of California, Berkeley, College of Environmental Design “Emerging Designers” competition. As the winner, she will receive a $5,000 honorarium, an exhibition of her work in the college’s Wurster Gallery, a reception and the opportunity to deliver a public lecture.

Theatre Department faculty collaborate for Cape Fear production
Kaja Dunn, assistant professor of acting in the College of Arts + Architecture, is directing the Cape Fear Regional Theatre production of “No Child,” a play by Nilaja Sun. The Fayetteville, North Carolina, production, which features a set by Tom Burch, assistant professor of scenic design, runs through Sunday, Nov. 17.

Dance concert to include April 30 remembrance, tributes to Freddie Mercury and Frida Kahlo
The Department of Dance will present its Fall Concert Thursday, Nov. 14, through Sunday, Nov. 17; it will feature four works choreographed by faculty and performed by students.