
Lane closures scheduled along Alumni Way

Between 7:30 and 11:30 a.m., Friday, Oct. 12, lane closures will occur on Alumni Way near South Village Deck as construction takes place to install speed bumps to control traffic for pedestrian safety.

Expect traffic delays as flaggers alternate traffic flow. Exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Work scheduled to improve areas near health center

Construction to update walkways, patios and landscaping near the Student Health Center and the Price Counseling Center will begin Monday, Oct. 22.

Expect construction fencing and equipment operation during this project, which is scheduled through Friday, Dec. 14.

Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction areas.

Lot 25 closed temporarily

Parking Lot 25 will be closed Friday, Oct. 5, through Tuesday, Oct. 9, for maintenance. Expect construction and paving equipment.

Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Construction to close one entrance to Macy Building

The Macy Building entrance that faces Belk Plaza will be closed through Friday, Oct. 26, for construction to rework the entrance to match the new Winningham Building one and to install additional storm water lines as part of the Academic Complex Renovation project.

Expect fencing around the entrance, heavy construction equipment and noise prior to classes beginning each day.

Faculty, staff and students should use entrances in the courtyard and breezeway.

Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Update on sidewalk closure near Rowe and Winningham

Construction to replace brick pavers as part of the Belk Plaza Revitalization project is expected to be completed Friday, Sept. 28. Entrances to these buildings facing the plaza will be inaccessible.

Expect barricades and construction equipment and personnel. Temporary fencing will block sidewalks, and signage will route pedestrians away from the work area.

Reminder – exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

(This notice is a revision from previous reports.)

Partial lane closures scheduled along Poplar Lane

Roadway improvements along Poplar Lane are scheduled for Monday, Sept. 24, through Tuesday, Oct. 9. During this period, there will be partial lane closures as workers reconfigure the east lane of Poplar Lane and redo the crosswalk and ramp.

Expect construction equipment and personnel in the area; half of the entrance to Parking Lot 26 will be closed at times.

Two-way traffic will be maintained except during paving, when flaggers will be used. Road work signs and traffic cones will be erected.

Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Lane closure scheduled along Phillips Road

Between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 22, one lane of Phillips Road will be closed to enable a utility contractor to install a gas line to the baseball indoor training facility.

Flaggers will maintain two-way traffic, but drivers should expect construction equipment and personnel in the area. Road work signs and traffic cones will be erected.

As a reminder, exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Construction scheduled near Miltimore-Wallis Center

On Monday, Sept. 17, work will begin to upgrade exterior drainage for the Miltimore-Wallis Center. Expect construction fencing, noise and equipment operation as construction efforts focus on grading, drainage and paver improvements.

Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones; work on this project is scheduled through Friday, Oct. 12.

UNC Charlotte taking steps to improve air quality on campus

UNC Charlotte, with assistance from Clean Air Carolina, recently changed its “Design and Construction Manual” to require contracted companies to reduce diesel fuel emissions while working on campus. These new standards, which will apply to all future construction projects on campus, do not affect projects already in progress or out for bid.

Improvements underway to CRI entrance

Construction has started on an entrance feature for the Charlotte Research Institute near the intersection of Institute Circle and N. Tryon Street. This feature will be similar to, but smaller than, the entrance at University City Boulevard (Dickson Gate).

During this work, which is scheduled through mid-January 2019, expect heavy construction equipment, changes to pedestrian routes along Institute Circle and temporary sidewalk and lane closures.

Remember to stay alert and exercise caution when approaching construction zones.