Faculty and Staff News

Lane closures scheduled along Cameron Boulevard

Beginning at 7 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 2, through Friday, Aug. 18, there will be lane closures along Cameron Boulevard.

The Poplar Lane side of Cameron will be closed Aug. 2-11; the Witherspoon side of Cameron will be closed Aug. 11-18.

Workers will be reconfiguring the roadway medians and installing new crosswalks to align with the modifications at the intersection of Cameron and Poplar; they also will be adding new turn lanes.

Former employee Sandra Leeds dies

Sandra Leeds, 58, a former member of the University’s Financial Services Department, died Aug. 4. Her funeral was held Aug. 8 at the Central Church of God. She worked for the University for more than 25 years.

Click here to read her obituary; the family is accepting donations to Grace Academy to build a memorial playground in her honor.

Reminder on changes to Sponsored Guest Account Requests

The Sponsored Guest Account Request process changed July 31.

Mary Alexander Road reopens to vehicular traffic, sidewalks remain closed

Mary Alexander Road has reopened to through traffic; however, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services continues to oversee work on a section of that road near campus. Sidewalks also remain closed in this construction area. The city anticipates work being completed by Friday, Aug. 18.

Expect partial lane closures along Mary Alexander while construction continues. Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction areas.

Charlotte Wheels bike program available

Charlotte Wheels is a new campus bike-share program using Gotcha Bikes. Ten rack corrals have been installed, and 50 Gotcha Bikes are available for rent.

The bikes are belt-driven and have Shirmano three-speed internal gears; they also have baskets with bungee cords to secure books and packages. Safety lights illuminate the front and rear.

Temporary sidewalk closures scheduled

Some campus sidewalks between Memorial Hall and South Village Crossing will be closed from Monday, Aug. 7, through Thursday, Aug. 17, for resurfacing and lighting/walkway improvements.

Expect construction equipment and personnel in the area; signage will be posted.

Individuals should remain alert and exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Reminder on purchasing parking permits

Parking permits for the 2017-18 academic year are available.

Housing and Residence Life’s Wayne Pickler dies

George “Wayne” Pickler, an HVAC technician with the Housing and Residence Life Office, died on Sunday, July 30.

Pickler, who many colleagues called “Pick,” joined the University in October 2006, originally in the Facilities Management Department. Prior to UNC Charlotte, he worked for Food Lion.

Repaving to close road, parking lot temporarily

On Thursday, Aug. 3, the drive at Wallis Hall will be closed between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. to pave over the gravel area.

Also, Parking Lot 15 at the Burson Building will be closed for repaving on Friday, Aug. 4.

Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones, and watch for signage and construction vehicles and personnel.

UNC Staff Assembly meets on campus

UNC Charlotte recently hosted the quarterly meeting of the UNC Staff Assembly, which is composed of elected delegates from each of the 17 campuses in the system. The UNC Staff Assembly “serves in a parallel function with the University Faculty Assembly and the Association of Student Governments to address constructively the concerns and interests of the respective campuses and the whole University.”