Faculty and Staff News
Nichols needs shared leave
Cathy Ann Nichols with the Controller’s Office needs shared leave donations.
To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 225. For more information, contact Joy Finney, benefits counselor, at 704‑687‑0648.
Policy on centers and institutes revised
The UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees has revised University Policy 314 Centers and Institutes to conform with UNC Policy Manual 400.5[R], Regulations for Planning, Establishing and Reviewing Centers and Institutes in the University of North Carolina.

Africana Studies professor awarded Carnegie fellowship to study in Nigeria
At the University of Jos, Africana Studies professor Honore Missihoun plans to teach and analyze texts from Francophone countries in Africa to better understand how the exploitation of women, land and natural resources resulted from patriarchal and male-dominated societies.

Africana Studies professor awarded Carnegie fellowship to study in Nigeria
At the University of Jos, Africana Studies professor Honore Missihoun plans to teach and analyze texts from Francophone countries in Africa to better understand how the exploitation of women, land and natural resources resulted from patriarchal and male-dominated societies.

Ojaide’s new memoir published
Tanure Ojaide, Frank Porter Graham Professor of Africana Studies, had the work “At Home, Away from Home: A Memoir” published by Cissus World Press.
The work reflects on the plight of the former African colonial subject, now postcolonial citizen, caught in the torrents of displacement and emplacement by the forces of global empires. As a member of the global literati and a celebrated professor in North America who originally is from the Niger Delta (Nigeria), Ojaide embodies the complications, promises and contradictions of post-coloniality.

University welcomes new employees
UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the April 18-19 New Employee Orientation session:
Atkins Library
Tracie Krumbine, university library technician
Broadcast Communications
Harrison Hieb, broadcast media specialist
Building Environmental Services
Christian Gamble, building environmental technician
Sumia Mayfield, building environmental technician
Paul Montgomery, building environmental technician
Stanley Smith, building environmental technician

Cone Deck 2 entrance closed temporarily
The Cone Deck 2 entrance (located closest to the Cone University Center) will be closed temporarily from 7 a.m., Friday, April 21, through Monday, May 22, to upgrade parking equipment.
Expect construction barricades and traffic re-routing in the interior of the deck. The Cone Deck 1 entrance (accessible from Parking Lot 7, on the Belk Gym side) will reopen.
Exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Understanding space management – no galaxy required
In the last 15 years, tens of millions of dollars have been spent to increase physical facilities, and it is evident UNC Charlotte will continue to grow “by leaps and bounds.” To date, the 1,000-acre campus has approximately 9.8 million square feet of academic and administrative space in 163 buildings.
With continual enrollment increases, space will continue to be a hot topic – even if when mentioned, someone thinks of outer space.
To become familiar with how the University manages its physical infrastructure, it is important to understand space management.

Lee College professor receives international honor
John Ziegert, a faculty member in the Lee College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science Department, is the 2017 recipient of the Frederick Taylor Research Medal, bestowed by SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers).
The Taylor Research Medal honors significant published research leading to a better understanding of materials, facilities, principles, operations and their application to improve manufacturing processes.

License plate recognition coming to parking permits
When the fall 2017 semester begins, a hanging tag will not be needed to park on campus. Permits will be required still; however, permission to park will be virtual and verified through license plate recognition (LPR).
LPR works based upon the permit purchased. Parking privileges will be assigned to a vehicle license plate and the purchaser’s 49er ID card.