Faculty and Staff News

Purchasing policy revised

On March 15, University Policy 601.11, Purchasing Policy, was revised to reflect modifications to the Administrative Code for purchasing that changed the small dollar threshold, the informal competition threshold and the formal competition threshold, effective March 1, 2022.

Nomination deadline extended for 2022 Staff Employee of the Year

The deadline for nominations for the annual Staff Employee of the Year awards has been extended to 5 p.m., Wednesday, March 16. Each year, UNC Charlotte recognizes exceptional employees for their contributions to our campus and beyond. 

Any permanent employee of UNC Charlotte can submit a nomination, and employees are encouraged to recommend colleagues for this honor. 

OneIT conducting network upgrades March 11-12

OneIT will upgrade networking software from 7 p.m., Friday, March 11, through approximately 7 a.m., Saturday, March 12. 

Small-dollar purchase threshold is now $25,000

Effective March 1, the North Carolina Administrative Code for procurement increased the small-dollar purchase threshold to $25,000. This means that purchases of goods and services up to that dollar amount that are not available on a State Term Contract may be completed without seeking competition.

Niner Nation cares about your health

The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness (ACCEHW) was created in 2009 to promote campus and statewide programs and services that emphasize healthy behaviors and foster a supportive campus culture for health and wellness. Here are the campus and statewide wellness program resources and events happening now.

 Physical health

Nominations sought for 2022 Staff Employee of the Year awards

Every year, UNC Charlotte awards and recognizes exemplary employees for their hard work and dedication to the campus community and beyond. The Human Resources Department is accepting nominations for the 2022 Staff Employee of the Year awards. Any permanent employee of UNC Charlotte can submit a nomination, and employees are encouraged to recommend colleagues for this honor. 

HR hosting support sessions on pandemic-related stress

To help support employees this semester, the Human Resources Office (HR) is sponsoring a variety of events in partnership with ComPsych, the University’s professional counseling service offered through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The first session will focus on managing stress related to the pandemic. The event is virtual and is open to all employees. […]

Housing and residence life’s Dick Wolfe has died

Paul Richard “Dick” Wolfe, a member of the Housing and Residence Life Office, died Tuesday, Feb. 8. Wolfe, 81, was a property security officer who joined the University in February 2009.

Rob Sewell, director of business services, Housing and Residence Life Office, said, “Mr. Wolfe was just short of his 13th anniversary. He was a very kind, thoughtful and caring security guard, always looking out for the best interests of our residents.”

49ers sought for commencement bell ringers

The Dean of Students Office is seeking bell ringers for Spring Commencement. Faculty and staff should encourage graduating students to apply for this prestigious honor.

Bell ringer is a tradition that recognizes outstanding student leaders who have demonstrated exemplary 49er spirit. All applicants must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA and be in good disciplinary standing. Applications are due by 11:45 p.m., Sunday, March 20.

More information is on the web or call 704-687-0343.

Virtual town hall meetings scheduled for colleges to discuss Top-Tier Research Commission recommendations

Virtual town hall meetings will take place in January and February for the faculty and staff of UNC Charlotte’s academic colleges.