Faculty and Staff News
Sidewalk closure between ASB and Cameron shifting south
The sidewalk closure between the Auxiliary Service Building (ASB) and Cameron Hall will shift south beginning Monday, July 2.
Expect egress in and out of the east Cameron Hall door to the sidewalk. Access to the ASB door will be from Craver Road, and access from Lot 16A to main campus will be through the McEniry Building. Fencing will be around the closure area.
This temporary closure is scheduled through Friday, Aug. 10, to install underground utilities associated with the new science building.
Tillery needs shared leave
Bobby Tillery, Building Environmental Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through July 13.
To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.
Construction to close sidewalks between Academic Complex and Friday Building
Beginning Monday, July 2, the sidewalk between the Academic Complex and Friday Building will be closed to pedestrian and vehicular traffic to install underground utilities related to renovations on the complex. This temporary closure is scheduled through Friday, Aug. 17.
During this work, there will be no path access between the Academic Complex and Friday Building. Barricades will be erected; expect construction personnel and equipment in the area.
Remember to use caution when approaching construction zones.
University welcomes new employees
UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the June 26-27 New Employee Orientation session:
Belk College of Business
Emily Clark, public communications specialist
Building Environmental Services
Darell Crawford, building environmental technician
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Shia Vang, administrative support specialist
New turn lane along Cameron Boulevard to remain closed through July 13
A recently constructed right-hand turn lane on Student Union Lane will remain closed through July 13 to enable movement of construction equipment to install the stair and elevator tower for the Union Deck expansion.
Expect large construction equipment (crane) to be parked in this turn lane and possible traffic delays. Vehicles will continue to exit onto Cameron Boulevard as originally designed until the lane opens.
Bruchok joins FM as director of capital projects
Bart Bruchok from the Department of Veterans Affairs in Orlando, Florida, has joined the Facilities Management Department as director of capital projects.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management Phil Jones stated, “Bart comes to us with a wealth of experience in facilities management, construction management and leadership.”
Halton Lane, SAC handicapped lot to close temporarily
Halton Lane and the handicapped lot near the Barnhardt Student Activity Center will be closed from Monday, June 25, through Saturday, June 30, for construction related to the cell tower upgrade project.
Expect heavy construction equipment and personnel in the area. All pedestrian traffic will be diverted from this work area. Barricades will be erected and signage posted.
Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction areas.
Academic Affairs staff member Keisha Martin has died
Keisha Martin, an administrative support associate in the Office of Academic Affairs, died on June 13.
Planned, intermittent network outages scheduled
According to ITS officials, intermittent network outages around campus and in buildings are expected between 6 and 9 p.m., Monday, July 2, due to equipment upgrades.
Outages may affect phones, wireless and wired networks, the internet, time clocks and blue light phones.
Religious Studies professor J. Daniel White has died
J. Daniel White Jr., a professor in the Department of Religious Studies, died on June 12.
Born June 21, 1945, in Franklin County, White graduated from Campbell College. He completed a Ph.D. in South Asia Religions, Languages and Literature from the University of Pennsylvania in 1971 and joined UNC Charlotte that same year. During his career, he was a prolific presenter and writer on Indian history, religions and customs. Colleagues also noted his dedication to discovering and nurturing talented scholars.