Human Resources

Dodd needs shared leave

Vanessa Dodd, Building Environmental Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through March 22.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at

Nominations sought for 2021 Employee of the Year awards

Every year, UNC Charlotte awards and recognizes exemplary employees for their hard work and dedication to the campus community and beyond. In a year unlike any other, the Human Resources Department is asking employees to nominate their teammates, colleagues, those they supervise and other University employees for the 2021 Staff Employee of the Year awards. 

Safford needs shared leave

Laron Safford, Student Activity Center and Venue Management, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Feb. 22.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at

New Learning and Development Portal launches, training now available

UNC Charlotte has launched a new learning management system, the Learning and Development Portal. Partnering with Cornerstone On Demand, a leading global provider of talent management software, the University has implemented a robust system to further develop, engage and retain top talent.

Cooper needs shared leave

Decora Cooper, University Advising Center, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Dec. 24.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at

Sanders needs shared leave

Audrey Sanders from University Recreation needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Dec. 16.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at

Hernandez needs shared leave

Patrick Hernandez, Building Environmental Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Nov. 10.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at

Open Enrollment for 2021 plan year is underway

UNC Charlotte employees who are eligible for insurance benefits have until Saturday, Oct. 31, to make State Health Plan and NCFlex benefits elections for the 2021 plan year. This year’s enrollment period, which began on Thursday, Oct. 15, is shorter than usual and earlier than last year. A few highlights:

Campbell needs shared leave

Bethanie Campbell, University Advising Center, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Oct. 1To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at

Beam needs shared leave

Gina Beam, Building Environmental Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Sept. 3.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at