Student Affairs

Uplifting, uniting and empowering the Black community at UNC Charlotte: The origins and legacy of the Black Student Union

February 8, 1969, marked the first anniversary of the Orangeburg Massacre, where South Carolina Highway Patrol officers shot and killed three Black protesters and injured 28 others.

Applications accepted for student awards and honors

The Dean of Students Office is seeking nominations for the following awards: Bonnie Cone Leadership Award, Noble Niner Award, Chuck Lynch Award and the Chancellor’s Citations for Leadership and Service.

These honors recognize students who have made significant contributions to UNC Charlotte during their undergraduate careers and are given annually to graduating seniors who have shown outstanding qualities of scholarship and leadership. 

Nominees sought for student awards and honors

The Dean of Students Office is seeking nominations for the following awards: Bonnie Cone Leadership Award, Noble Niner Award, Chuck Lynch Award and the Chancellor’s Citations for Leadership and Service.These honors recognize students who have made significant contributions to UNC Charlotte during their undergraduate careers and are given annually to graduating seniors who have shown outstanding qualities of scholarship and leadership. 

Facilitators sought for student feedback sessions

The Division of Student Affairs and Student Success Working Group are launching a series of student feedback sessions to provide an opportunity for students to share their perspectives navigating virtual and in-person campus life during the pandemic.

Serving veterans today and every day

As the U.S. military develops the sophisticated weapon systems of the future, UNC Charlotte engineering students, including veteran Jason Solomon, are on the forefront of cutting-edge research in the field.

IEE to host open discussion about racial injustice

The Office of Identity, Equity and Engagement (IEE) will host a virtual Green Table Talk — a play on Red Table Talk hosted by Jada Pinkett-Smith on Facebook — on Wednesday, Sept. 9.

Gold Rush kicks off new semester with virtual events

Categories: General News Tags: Student Affairs

New and returning students can celebrate the start of the fall semester by participating in the more than 30 virtual events hosted by University departments and student organizations.

CRES announces updated on-campus meeting and event guidelines

Due to physical distancing and cleaning measures required for the UNC Charlotte community to return safely to campus, meetings and events will be significantly impacted throughout the fall and spring semesters.The following guidelines have been set by Conferences, Reservations and Event Services (CRES) and approved by the University to ensure the safety of students, faculty, staff and guests.

Third ‘Supporting Students’ workshop offered

The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at UNC Charlotte will hold a third installment of its virtual workshop, “Supporting Student Mental Health Amidst Multiple Pandemics” at 1 p.m., Friday, Sept. 11.

Faculty/staff workshops address student mental health and racism

While the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at UNC Charlotte provides ongoing critical care to support student mental health on campus, it also focuses on training other campus administrators outside CAPS to identify students in need. This month, CAPS will offer two virtual workshops for faculty and staff dedicated to “Supporting Student Mental Health Amidst Multiple Pandemics.” In particular, the workshops address the coronavirus pandemic and the impact of racism, inside and outside the classroom.